Thursday 17 September 2009

I'm always drawn to Bristol's suspension bridge despite it having been shot to death. Its a great place to sit and think. And each time I visit it, I always find a new angle. Shot at night using a tripod and long exposure.

Thursday 30 July 2009


This is a snap shot from several years ago. I took it from the moving car while driving from my home in the south of Spain to the UK. The composition taps into some deep roots. That no blood in my veins is Spanish does not matter, de crianza Andaluz, my home was there in childhood & upbringing.

Wednesday 29 July 2009

Tuesday 26 May 2009



Flowers of Temple Church

Temple Church
Temple ChurchTemple Church

The Flowers of Temple Church
Flowers of Temple Church
Flowers of Temple Church
Flowers of Temple Church
Flowers of Temple ChurchFlowers of Temple Church

Sunday 3 May 2009

Monday 27 April 2009

The Last Door of Brandon Steep

The Last Door of Brandon Steep

The Mustard of Nelson's Column

The Mustard of Nelson's Column
Vice Admiral Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount Nelson, 1st Duke of Bronté, KB (29 September 1758 – 21 October 1805)

Friday 17 April 2009

Spring Tulips

Spring tulips

Spring Tulips on College Green

Tuesday 14 April 2009



Star anise, mint & cinnamon.

Saturday 11 April 2009

Next Market Stall

Tobacco Factory Market
Sunday 19th April

Saturday 28 March 2009

Next Market Day

Sunday 29th March
Tobacco Factory Market
Just off Raleigh Road

Sunday 15 March 2009

Someone Cares (The Day of Seven Pounds)

The Day of Seven Pounds

This Saturday I watched the film Seven Pounds. Please don't read further if you have not seen it, but to others, you'll know how it presents the themes of suicide and yet redemption beautifully interwoven. Well, I was walking by the Clifton Suspension bridge in the evening, and saw another photographer setting up his tripod on the edge of the lookout platform. I wondered just how many photographs of the bridge are out there taken from exactly the same angle. And with the themes of suicide and redemption still rippling in my thoughts, I stepped back from the edge and tried to feel that difference in the bridge. Although the Samaritans Care sign exists as a reminder of those who have before found themselves in the sorrowful act of terminal consolation, it still stands as a last choice for salvation. Someone, somewhere always cares.

Flowers on a Roundabout

Flowers on a Roundabout

These flowers were lit by the setting sun on the roundabout at the bottom of Constitution Hill and start of Hotwell's Road. I must've looked mighty funny to the drivers down on hands and knees with my bum in the air taking these shots.

Friday 6 March 2009

Market Stall & Website

I won't have a market stall set up this weekend. The next will be on the 15th March.

The new website is up and running, but with a limited number of photographs in the portfolio, which I'll update over the next few days.

Wednesday 4 February 2009

Prints for Sale

I'm taking my first venture into commercial photography this sunday, selling framed prints at the local Tobacco Factory Market on Raleigh Road. I've been pretty hectic for the last two weeks in preparation, but I'm about there and really excited about trying to sell something of my own for the first time!
If you're in the area pop in and check out the market, its small but local, and has some good food stalls too.
I've had the go ahead to get my camera repaired after some water damage over christmas, so that is on the way, and I can't wait to get it back and start shooting again. It's been frustrating with the snow coming down, not having my camera to shoot with.

Thursday 2 October 2008

[Study of Light, Day 1] Reflection of Light

[Study of Light, Day 1] In Black & White

Cycling along the forest trail in Leigh Woods, the trees to my left broke to reveal the tree canopy covering another rooted outcrop of the Avon Gorge. I wasn't consciously searching for or using light in this one; I was simply made aware of my position and direction relative to the gorge when I saw this, and took the shot as I liked the different depth of the many leaves.

[Study of Light, Day 1] Abstraction of Light

I was playing with the exposure and took a shot of the shadow of leaves cast on the tree by the low late afternoon sun. I then decided to experiment with different types of bark and leaf. I caught this shot as a gust of wind shook the leaves, so that they danced to and fro - a million hands waving - and I see the movement of the leaves in the shadows, swaying, yet attached to each branch, and so each moving in their own little circles.

[Study of Light, Day 1] Refraction of Light

[Study of Light, Day 1] Spiders in my Front Garden

Tuesday 23 September 2008

The Absinthe of Clifton Village

I arrived back from Spain the night before last, having taken my Panasonic Lumix with me. I bought a D80 back in February and I have to admit I've been too scared to take it out much. Its just sat in the box. I even listed it on eBay a few times cos I wasn't using it. Well, it never sold, and having come back from Spain and loved taking shots while I was there, I decided I'd start carrying it around with me to come to terms with it. Here's a coloured variation my first shot I called The Arrival of Autumn, as, despite the warm tones of the original, its a lot bloody colder back here now.

Monday 22 September 2008

Olive Tree, Andalucia

Olive groves cover the lower foothills beyond the Sierra de Malaga, in Andalucia, Spain.

Olive Tree, Andalucia

A single olive tree stood amidst a fallow field in the foothills beyond the Sierra de Malaga.